Saturday, October 19, 2013

Product Spotlight

A little late today, but it's Saturday and we're being lazy!

So I'll start with It Works. Our biggest selling product is the body wrap.

It takes 45 minutes. You put the wrap on, saran around it, watch TV/read/cook/etc., then take it off. Drink lots of water and take LOTS of pictures! That is the best way to see progress. I have my own before and afters, that I will be glad to show if you inquire. The products are all natural, so no chemicals to worry about. You can use them anywhere from the neck down (there is a facial wrap, which is designed to work with the more sensitive skin of your face). Wraps are not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The wraps tighten, tone and firm the skin on which they are applied. For a list of all information and ingredients, go here. If you have questions or concerns about it, the best idea would be to print out the ingredient list and bring it to your physician. Please email me if you'd like information on having a party or getting wrapped. Wraps are $25, with a box of 4 being considered a full treatment. If you get 5 friends to wrap at a party, yours is free! We also have a loyal customer program with perks that we can talk about. Please visit my It Works website.

Now for Mary Kay. I'm going to start with my very favorite product: the Indulge Soothing Eye Gel.

This product contains botanical extracts, including cucumber, that tones, firms, and reduces puffiness around the sensitive eye area. It adds 130% moisture when you apply it to your eye, and it is dermatologist tested and fragrance free. It has a cooling effect when you put it on, and even more so if you store it in the fridge (which is my favorite thing to do). I call it "Magic Mommy Gel" or "Hangover Gel" because it is so soothing and refreshing to put on after a night of very little sleep. If you are a migraine sufferer (which I am), keeping it in the fridge and spreading it over your temples or sinuses can help relieve some of that pain. You can spread a thin layer on after you do your normal skin care routine or you can use it as a mask, a good idea to do right before bed. At $16.00, it sounds a little steep, but I can use the same container for a month or more with regular use. Please email me or visit my Mary Kay site if you'd like to order or see more products. 

Keep checking in on Saturdays for more of my favorite products and please send me a message if you want to know more or have a product you wish to see highlighted on Product Spotlight days. Thanks for stopping by!

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