Thursday, October 17, 2013

Miscellaneous Day!

I've decided that Thursdays are going to be miscellaneous days. I have my own writing, opinions, ideas, etc, that I have rattling around up there, and it could be cathartic to let some of that out.

Honest moment: I'm not really great at fresh ideas for stories. I think I've read so many books my whole life that I start meshing in all the plots until it's one giant nearly plagiarized Frankenstein hot mess. On the other hand, I'm good at poetry and writing about real things I've encountered.

I once went to a workshop at a camp; we were told to wander off and find a place to sit and write, then reconvene at a set time and place. This camp is right on the lake I live near. And the following is the raw draft of what came of that quiet time that I spent with my pen and journal.

The morning is peaceful and pure along the rocky beach. The water is gently reaching for the tiny smooth pebbles along the shore. The horizon is flat and clear with no angry white foam crests to break it up. Occasionally a little fish pops its head above the surface, leaving widening rings behind, an echo of his presence. 

It feels like a mirror of human nature; a smooth calm facade with only subtle clues to what lies beneath the surface.

An entire ecosystem lies under a seemingly unremarkable surface. There is comedy and tragedy in a way so different yet so parallel to humankind. A torrent of activity, relationships and survival so well disguised that we take refuge alongside this vast camouflage to find our own inner peace. 

*deep breath* It's hard for me to release my little written babies into the world. It is really difficult to feel that vulnerable, but it's good for an editor to walk a few steps in their authors' shoes. It brings you closer and gives you an understanding of the other side of the situation. If you are a closet writer, put a little bit of your work out there. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, read it to your dog or your fish, read it to the guy pumping your gas. Facing these insecurities and overcoming that vulnerability can make you stronger, and not just in your writing-in your every day life as well. Maybe I should have called today "Lay Your Shit Out There Day". 

I guess the moral of my blog today is this: Just write. It doesn't matter if it sucks, or if it makes any sense or if it's perfectly edited. Writing is a great form of therapy, of which not nearly enough people take advantage. That's my blog today, tune in on Thursdays if you want to read more of my personal writing or listen to me rant about random things in life!

Thanks for stopping by!

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