Monday, October 6, 2014

The Summer of Feels

"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."

This has been a year of the never-ending "somethings", as I call it. As in, there's always something happening, good or bad, and there's no slowing down. There hasn't been a lot of time to sit back and relax, enjoy or do much of anything extracurricular. 

The year started with finding out my mom had breast cancer, then immediately after that (like literally, the next day) we traveled to Boston and taped an episode of "I Found The Gown" for my sister. I planned my mom's benefit, which was equally awesome, emotional, stressful, rewarding, and exhausting. My cousin passed away at the age of 33 from a heart attack as the result of an enlarged heart, in August. Now school time is here and it's homework, meetings, cub scouts, and keeping our heads above water. 

Through it all, I've been silently (and sometimes not so silently) suffering; exhaustion, random aches and pains-including stiffness with staying in the same position for more than 20 minutes or so, tingling appendages, chest pain and stomach issues. It took from about April until August/September, but we finally figured out that I have fibromyalgia. I can't really explain this "disease". It's so complicated, hard to describe, hard to diagnose, and hard to convince people that you're actually suffering from something and not just whining all the time.

Being an editor/writer/paperwork girl, I'm sitting a lot, often cramped in the same position for hours without even thinking about it. I knew something was seriously wrong when I danced a single slow dance with my husband at a wedding and my hip hurt so bad, I could barely put weight on it. I mean, I know I'm out of shape, but I'm too young for arthritis...right?

So the last month or so has been a lot of symptom maintenance, chiropractor appointments, ice/heat packs and ibuprofen. I'm working on using natural methods to keep my symptoms at bay, including essential oils. 

I'm hoping that now I've learned that I need to slow my life down a little, enjoy the sweet little moments, I'll be able to write some more and keep you guys entertained. 

I've also been working on editing some more of M.R. Pritchard's work, and here's a little graphic for your enjoyment:

So that's what has been keeping me busy, and has kept me missing my blogging. I really hope that things work out so that I can come back here more often and chat. 

I've missed ya'll!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Movie Monday!

Hey hey, movie Monday! 

I found this little gem in the middle of an insomnia-fueled movie marathon a month or 2 ago, and I keep forgetting to share it!

This is a sweet little rom-com that is light and endearing. Alexis Bledel and Jay Baruchel are two of my favs, so I was interested in this movie from the start. Baruchel plays Reed Fish, who runs a radio show with the town's mayor (Katey Sagal) and his friend from school. Reed is engaged to Alexis Bledel's character, and complications arise when Reed's old crush comes back into town. He encourages her to sing at an open mic night, and thus ensues the tangled love triangle.

Very sweet movie. Not too deep, so it was a perfect light film for insomnia. You can currently find it on Netflix I believe. I hope you try it out and enjoy!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 25, 2014

My son tells me I'm beautiful, and I believe him.

I always try to lift my son up and boost his ego while still maintaining humility.

You look awesome/cool/handsome.
You did a great job!
You used good manners.

What we have to understand is that kids can see how you perceive yourself, even when you don't realize what your own thoughts are. It only took a couple of times for my son to call me out before I caught on to him.

I remember one day saying something about how I felt chubby or something in an outfit I was wearing and Will said to me; 'You look beautiful Mommy.' Besides melting my heart, he also made me realize that I have to change my own perceptions and accept myself for who I am; imperfections and all. I may not 'live up' to what I think should be right, but I'm enough for him, and that is enough for me.

It's okay to set goals for yourself, try to be the best and healthiest you can be, but instead of shaming ourselves, we should be praising ourselves for the good job we are doing in the meantime. It's okay to teach our kids to be proud of who they are and of every effort they put in to being the best version of themselves. And if they can see us with pure innocent eyes, we should allow ourselves to look in the mirror and see the same thing!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blog: Reloaded

Now that my mom's benefit is complete and I have my time back to myself, I can pour my heart into writing and editing once more. Nothing makes me happier than books, words, paper and pencil...

I'm currently working on another MR Pritchard original, Sparrow Man. I look forward to my friends and family getting into this novel. It's similar to Saratoga which was released late last year, but SM has more mature undertones and even a couple steamy scenes. I appreciate the way MR relays the intimate encounters; not too graphic, gentle verbiage, and no silly double entendres that distract from the story of the characters involved.

I have editing time open after Sparrow Man, so if anyone needs me to edit or guide, please feel free to contact me at the email listed above.

I'm looking forward to posting regularly again!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Catharsis, cancer and contemplation

As I sit here listening to the Summer Hits of the '90s on Pandora and face the extremely busy week ahead, I think about the stress and chaos the last few months have laid on my shoulders. Although I've never been good with stress, I'd like to think that I've dealt with everything that I have over the last few months mostly well-with a few glitches here and there (which I hope would be expected, considering).

*Side note: If you don't know, my mom had a biopsy of a tiny spot on her breast the day after Thanksgiving, 2 lymph nodes removed the Monday after Christmas, found out she had cancer in January and started chemo on Valentine's Day. She is a few weeks out of chemo and begins radiation this coming week. I have been planning a benefit for the last few months that is taking place next weekend.

Everyone knows that people who are battling cancer are going through a lot, it's visual and tangible. What I don't think people understand is that family members suffer too. Of course it's not in the same way, but we have our own concerns and face our own demons in other ways. Just because we are not struggling with an illness does not make our feelings any less important. We wonder if we are at risk too, we face a family member's mortality, we go through stages of grief even if our loved one is doing well and recovering. For me personally, it has forced me to further come to terms with something that has always scared me: life is finite. Time is precious.

That being said, I have recently had many (pleasantly) surprising encounters; mentally, spiritually, socially... I have repaired some broken bridges, found support and healing in the strangest places, and found that our family, friends and our community are some of the most solid, caring people you'll find. You just never know who has your back and these types of situations you really find the people you can lean on. I'm hoping that along the way I've been this for other people because knowing now how the smallest things or words even can help out, I realize how important it is to put into the world in order to get back.... actually, to put more than what you get back. Call it karma, call it a commandment, call it whatever you want. The golden rule is named such for a reason; do unto others as you'll have done unto you.

Something else that's been magnified is thankfulness. My heart bursts with gratitude for the help I've received in every pursuit I've set forward to accomplish, the last two months especially. It's given me a drive to continue and expand my generosity towards others. A good pat on the back or 'atta boy' can sate a sinking ego, but it doesn't hold up in the long run.

I once listened to a motivational speaker for a job I had, and although I thought some of what he said was silly and quirky (and being only about 20 at the time, I'm sure I was unable to fully digest the magnitude of what he was teaching), there is one thing that has always stuck out in  my head, even now-about 13 years later... and typing this, I feel like I've written it here before but it bears repeating..... "Remember that everyone you meet is the doing the best they can at that moment." What this means to me is that A) it reinforces the fact that you simply cannot judge someone based on a single meeting, or even a couple of meetings because you have no idea what they are going through outside of your interaction, and B) I need to be more conscious of how I am acting so that when people meet me, the best I am at that moment is uplifting, helpful, honest, and caring.

So with the likes of Vertical Horizon, Gin Blossoms, Eagle Eye Cherry and Oasis fueling this deep post, I also realize that music just doesn't have the feeling and meaning it used to. I mean, Wonderwall could be part of the soundtrack to my life, but I don't see Thrift Shop or "Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle" playing in the background in the movie of my life.

I've also come to an important life realization in all of this. I love organizing vendor and crafter fairs, but I do not want to organize benefits. They are exhausting!!!!

Oh, and WTF is up with True Blood? Why are they going all Game of Thrones on us??? I know it's the last season and all, but stop ripping my heart out every episode!!! (end rant)

So thanks for listening, and for being kind to someone who's laid their heart out there on the table for everyone to see. Remember to be kind to everyone you see because they're fighting their own battles.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Book Review!

Today's book review(s) are brought to you by my good friend Meredith. I've kept some in reserve for when I need some help! I hope you enjoy!

Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices trilogy

Book 1: Clockwork Angel

I'm not big on some of these supernatural themed books. I've read a few and mostly found myself lost because I didn't understand a lot of what was going on because it was poorly executed or they were a carbon copy of another book I’ve read. I wasn't sure how I felt being transported back in time to Victorian London and being dumped into the world of Steampunk, but the author made the transition easy in this first book. Readers are introduced to this new world at a swift pace. The Shadowhunters and the main character, Tessa, explore their natural gifts as they search for her lost brother. When you get done reading this, you won’t be able to wait to get started on the next book in the series.

Overall: 3 out of 5 stars

Book 2: Clockwork Prince 
I found this second book in the series to be far better than the first. Lots of mystery and adventure and teenage angst as we learn more about the Shadowhunters and get pulled into an emotional love triangle. I was amazed that all the characters looked so pale and had hair that curled up at the napes of their long, elegant necks. Still, interesting characters, interesting plot and side stories. Overall, good read. Kept me interest, flowed much better than the first book. After reading this I was fully invested, I HAD to know what happened to everyone. So yes, I bought the third as soon as I finished this.

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars

Book 3: Clockwork Princess 

The third book in this trilogy doesn't skip a beat, we are thrown right back into the adventure of the Shadowhunters as they seek for truths. And then... let the heart-stomping begin. I've said it before and I will say it again, I am a hopeless sap when it comes to love. The author did an excellent job creating a story in which readers can experience the relationships between all the characters and the emotional ties that bind them. That being said I finished the last chapter and I was happy with the result.

And then I read the Epilogue... And then I cried my frigging eyes out. I've never actually cried while reading. I usually save my tears for Disney movies and hangovers. But since I was reading in the dark, and my husband was already sound asleep next to me, I didn't bother holding it in. Go ahead... judge me. 

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars (I'm rating this on pure emotion right now and it may change when I get my head back together)


Thank you Meredith!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, June 2, 2014

My poor, neglected blog....

Back this week! I don't know how, but I'm going to make it a point to at least write a quick little note every day again. I've missed writing!!!

So movie Monday today is silly!!

The Starving Games! Hilarious spoof of the Hunger Games. If you like comical remakes of real movies, this one is excellent! I hesitate on this style movie now because I feel like they've been played out by the likes of a trillion Scary Movie sequels. This has all the beauty of a good satire; blood & gore, things obviously changing with camera angle changes, and character exaggerations. 

I highly recommend it, not for the quality of a good movie, but for the hilarity of making fun of a good quality movie. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Hey guys!

I've been insanely busy the last few weeks! Let me give you a little update.

I've completed editing a book by J. Rowan called "Better Than Chocolate" and it's a really fun sweet (pun intended!) read.

I've started editing a new book by M.R. Pritchard called Sparrow Man that I think we're hoping to release in August, aiming to complete editing by the end of May.

I've begun planning a chicken barbecue benefit to help my mom raise money to pay for her medical bills.
This is the Facebook event page:
And her caringbridge site:
and her fundraising site:

So that has been taking up all my time, and I haven't even had time to work on the Book Store Series, which hurts me a little because I really want to put some effort into that. But I will eventually get some time to put some work into it, just waiting to get there!!

That's pretty much it for me, thanks for checking in and hopefully I will get some time to prepare some posts in advance for the next couple of weeks so I can still be putting out a great blog!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weight Loss Wednesday!

Hey guys!

I don't get on the scale very often, but today I decided to see where I was, especially because the dr's office had my weight lower than I was used to seeing! And sure enough, I'm down 12 pounds from the highest weight I've been while not pregnant. (I was the same weight at 9 months pregnant as I was at my highest without a bun in the oven... that was an eye opener!)

All I've done is walk a little more, up and down the stairs more often, more stretching/yoga/meditation, lower fat diet, and possibly some stress and being sick helped a tiny bit. It's okay, but I'm not going to let sick or stress pounds come back once they're gone!

A lot of people have asked if we're going to have more kids, but I honestly have to say that I am happy to have my body to myself, to focus on nourishing myself and taking care of me. I just can't imagine taking care of another little person when I am feeling so confident in my body again. When it comes to this topic, I say "been there, done that" and it was a life experience I'll never forget, but don't necessarily want to repeat.

I'm excited to see how many more pounds I can melt off these tired bones and hope that I will feel healthier and more energetic as time goes by!

Stay healthy friends, and thanks for stopping by!

Book review Tuesday? Oops!

Yikes! I was so busy yesterday I forgot to post, so you'll get a two for one deal today!

Another guest appearance by M.R. Pritchard!

The Golem and the Jinni

THE GOLEM AND THE JINNI by Helen Wecker is set in NYC in the late nineteenth century. As this book starts we are introduced to our main characters the Golem, a woman crafted from clay and infused with the traits of obedience, curiosity, intelligence, virtuous and modest behavior. The Golem is crafted to be the wife of a Prussian Jew, who also happens to die on their voyage to America. What we have left is a woman with the ability to hear everyone's wants and needs, since she is now without her master.

Enter the Jinni, a tall and attractive "Genie in a bottle" who is released accidentally by a tinsmith. The Jinni is a creature of fire. Wild and selfish, the Jinni yearns to return to his natural form, but since he is conflicted with a bit of memory loss, he can't remember who bound him in his human form.

Eventually the Golem and the Jinni's paths cross and an unlikely friendship is born as they both explore humans and their own humanity. The story line delves into the Jewish and Syrian cultures, and their respective religions.

The prose is thoughtful, never hurried, and the intertwining of history and fairy tale prove charming.



Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 21, 2014

TV Monday!

I'm bored with movies, so I'm going to review some tv shows that I love. Plus, I haven't watched a whole lot of new movies lately. When I'm sick, I like to watch the same old stuff because it tires me out and I fall asleep!

I picked:

Scrubs!! This was my go-to show while I was sick, I actually got through most of the seasons, especially at night when I was up coughing up my lungs. I love this show, it is the perfect combination of crazy, funny, emotional and honest. If you haven't seen it, all the seasons are on Netflix right now.

Watch it! And thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 18, 2014


Hello friends!

I've been sick all week, with little energy and lots of tissues. I finally broke down and went to the dr, and it's not the flu or anything serious-just a bad sinus infection, but it's still had me on the couch most of the week. I felt so bad for my son, who is on spring break and has sadly had to spend it chilling with me and watching movies. (I don't think he's that upset about it, he's never had this much tv time!) My favorite is the current The Magic School Bus marathon we're watching on Netflix. The best show ever!

I have three editing projects over the next couple of months, plus planning my vendor and crafter event:
Click here to see our Facebook event page.

I'm also planning on doing a summer event. So I'm keeping busy, but I'm going to try and keep up with the blog as best I can!

Thanks everyone for checking in and cheers to becoming healthy again!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Guest Reviewer!

I must confess. I have been insanely busy lately!!! I've begun planning events a little more often, my It Works business has taken off and will hopefully be soaring soon, and I've been trying to write on the side. All that in addition to my house and family, and whew! I'm falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow these days!

For that reason, I have enlisted the help of the person who rocketed my editing career, my sister site; M.R. Pritchard to help me with my book review Tuesdays. I haven't a lot of time for recreational reading as lately I've been reading editing articles and books to help my career. She'll be filling in for April and maybe some of May. Trust this girl, she has great taste in books!


War of Gods Box Set

I started out by reading the first book, Damian's Oracle, as a free Kindle book and that was so good (up reading until 4am good) that I splurged and bought the boxed set. The War of the Gods series is a Paranormal Romance. The paranormal aspects are pretty cool. There’s the White God and the Black God who are at war with each other. The White God, Damian, and his team of badass dudes with God-like powers, have been banished to earth to fight the forces of the Black God. Throughout the series, each member of the White God’s team find their mates. There is a lot of action and the Romance aspects are enough to warm your heart without graphic details. Books 1 and 4 were definitely the best of the bunch. Still, great series. The War of Gods Series reminded me of Elisabeth Naughtons Eternal Guardians series, with a bit more edge.

4/5 stars


That's it for today guys, thanks for stopping by!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Movie Monday!

Here's today's movie!

Had to go a little old school this time. My son LOVES this movie. I have to say that I agree, it's pretty amazing. They just don't make movies like these anymore. I love it, and you should definitely watch this because it's old and awesome and totally goofy. And you should order a pizza while you watch it, because you should always eat pizza while you watch Ninja Turtles!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Book Store Series, Part 10

Yeah, I'm back. Sorry I've kept you on the edge of your seats for so long! I've been writing and rewriting BSS for weeks now, and it's going to be a lot different final draft than what I've been posting, but at least you guys can kind of see where it's going with these super rough drafts weekly (or semi-weekly anyways!).

If you missed the last one, here it is!
Part 9


I was on my back and the insides of my eyelids were bright red, like I was waking up next to a window on a sunny morning. I squished them closed tight and put my hands over my face to try to block out the light. I felt sleepy and just wanted to finish my dream about the bookstore and Theo gone missing, I wanted to know what happened next. I knew I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again, but decided to rest for a while. A few more minutes of lying here won’t hurt, right? I thought to myself.

As I lay there, my other senses triggered an alarm in my head. I listened, and heard water running and birds chirping. Had I left the TV on? I sniffed and an earthy, floral scent filled my nose. I moved my hands away from my closed eyes and put them down by my sides, and I felt leaves and grass. What? My eyes shot open and I sat straight up.

I was in a forest clearing, a stream flowing through the woods outside the grassy oasis.

“Well, took you long enough,” a deep masculine voice said.

“Ahh!” I shrieked and jumped up, looking around. Not far from me, a man sat on the ground, leaning against a tree. He was handsome, had tousled dark brown hair that fell in his eyes, which were blue. He stood, and proved to be tall and muscular. He was good-looking, yes, but what caught my eye was what he was wearing. He had leather cuffs on his wrists, an ivory colored loose shirt that laced down the neck a few inches, brown leather boots and brown snug pants.

“Oh for crying out loud, I’ve been kidnapped by a Renaissance actor. Okay, what’s the deal? Is this a dream? And if it isn’t, who the heck are you? And where are we? If you try anything, I’ll kill you. I’m a New Yorker you know.” I stood up tall, but took a step back, ready to sprint if necessary.

And that’s when I noticed it. I was wearing pants today. I looked down, and there it was: a dress. Not just any dress, but a sparkly royal purple Renaissance dress, puffy shoulder sleeves and all. I had been to a local fair a few times, enough to know that this dress was not for the peasants. I felt my hair, which was loose and curly. I had no pockets and no purse, which also meant no cell phone, no money and no ponytail holders.

“What the..?” I put my hands out, speechless. I looked across the clearing. Mystery Man just stood there, an irritating grin across his face. “What?” I asked, grumpy.

“Nothing. I’m just amused.”

“Lovely. I’m glad I can entertain you. Who are you anyway?” I humphed and crossed my sequined arms in front of me. I was pretty sure if this guy was going to hurt me, he would have done it already.

“I’m Finley, but everyone calls me Finn. I’m here to help.” I noticed he had no Renaissance accent, and spoke like your average northeastern American.

“Well, Finn, you’re going to have to help me figure out what is going on then, because I have no idea. What’s the deal?” I watched him, gauging his personality, trying to figure him out.

“I’m not really sure where you want me to start, but I’ll do my best. You’re part of an elite group of people called Librum Desultor. Loosely translated, it means ‘book jumper’ and there’s no rhyme or reason as to who can do it. Sometimes it runs in families and sometimes it doesn’t. Your ancestors might have also had this ability. Right now you’re inside a book called As Knight Falls, yes that’s with a ‘k’.” I made a face at the word play, and Finn continued. “And it’s set in the Renaissance period. So you were right about the time period, wrong about me kidnapping you.”

“Ummmm…Yeah. You stay here, I’m going to find the police. See ya!” I turned around, but stopped as I searched the woods, trying to decide which direction to go. I had no idea where I was or what was near, so wherever I decided to head would be a guess. I turned back to Finn.

“Where are you going to go? There are no big cities here, and the chance you’ll choose the path to the hamlet is slim. There are no police, just the king’s army, and they will lock you up or hang you for insanity or witchcraft. Do you want my help or not?” He watches me, knowing I have no choice but to let him help me.

“Wait, how do you know my name? You know what? Never mind. I don’t even care. Okay, Muscles. I just want to get back to my cozy little New York apartment. Can you make that happen?”

“Not necessarily, but I will do my best. And Finn will do, Your Highness.” He picked up a satchel on the ground near the tree, and headed into the woods. “Hurry up, Princess, your court awaits you.”

I hurried after him, and when I caught up I asked, “I’m Lily, by the way. What do you mean by Princess?”

“In this book, my lady, you are Princess Isabelle.” He stopped walking, turned and took a deep bow. He turned back to his path and continued walking.

“Oh no. This cannot be happening. I am the least graceful or social person in existence. I don’t know how to be a princess. This day can’t get any worse.” But it did. 


Okay, have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Writing inspiration

If you are trying to write the next great American novel or a blog post or a journal entry, where do you get your inspiration and where do you write most productively?

I have tried to write at home, and the chores seem to call out to me over my laptop. Yes, I see you, pile of laundry, sitting on the couch, waiting to be folded and put away. Yes, I just heard the last click of the dishwasher as it finished the drying cycle. Oh vacuum, you hot mess, with your cord all unraveled in the corner of the living room.

I promptly shut the lid on my laptop and answer the call of the house, begging to be cleaned. Writing time is over.

The best place I have found to stay focused is in the car. I leave the house a little early to pick up my son from school, this has double benefits; I get prime parking at the school and plenty of time to write, uninterrupted and completely focused.

We also live near a lake, and sometimes I park by the marina and the calmness (and sometimes roughness) of the water helps inspiration flow and helps me get on a roll with my writing.

It might take a little time, a little investigating, and some trial and error, but eventually you'll find the perfect place that will fuel your writing engine (your brain!).

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Movie Monday!

Hello my little bloglettes... Sometimes I have a hard time picking a movie to write about, and then we watch one on TV and I'm like, That's it! Here was some of our weekend entertainment:

I love this movie. I'm a Nick Cage fan and I love that the kid who voices "Hiccup" from How to Train Your Dragon is the main character. I feel like I'm watching 2 movies at once! Action packed, a hint of the old Mickey Mouse version to make you reminisce and bam! You have an excellent movie!

Have a great Monday, and thanks for stopping by!

Friday, March 28, 2014

You don't have to run a 5K

I just want to let you guys know that my mom is battling breast cancer. Or rather, she's battling the chemo that is getting rid of her breast cancer. So if my posts are spotty, I apologize. My goal is to give you guys quality content and entertainment, and some days are just harder than others. So thank you for being patient and understanding, and thanks for all the prayers and support. My family greatly appreciates it!

And moving on..

I am by no means a fitness or nutrition guru. I've never been the athletic type. I'm a book worm, I'm a writer, I'm an editor. My place is in a chair at my laptop or in bed with my Kindle. But I'm not a teenager anymore, my knees are wobbly and achy, and as I've told people time and again, if you see me running either something is chasing me or look for burlap bags in my hands with big $$ symbols on them. That has led to a little extra around the belly and other aches and pains that come from being stagnant and still for so long. Because of the knee issues, I have to keep my movement low-impact and low-key so as not to aggravate old injuries. This doesn't mean I can't be healthy and fit.

So what is this post about? 

I want to let you know that you don't have to be a runner to be fit. You don't have to do a triathalon to be healthy. And you definitely don't have to prove to anyone your fitness by how much you can bench, how far/fast you can run or by winning medals in sporting events. 

Take it from me. Just move. Play a dance game on your favorite console (We love Just Dance on the Wii). Go for a walk in the park when the weather is nice. Walk your dog (or your cat, I suppose, if your cat doesn't mind a leash-mine does, he gets very mad when he's harnessed). Do yoga. Swim. Do situps while Rachel Ray cooks delicious food on the screen or while Jimmy Fallon cracks you up. Stretch your muscles every morning. See a chiropractor. Meditate. 

And equally as important, nourish your body. Take care of it because it's the only one you'll have (in this lifetime at least, if you believe in multiple lives). I swear, now that I eat a little healthier, small changes here and there... now when I eat greasy or fatty foods, my body lets me know that I have to be nicer to it. It's okay to eat bacon once a week. It's okay to have cake at parties. It's all right to eat some girl scout cookies when you have your period. It's really true when they say moderation is key. It is.

Most importantly, don't feel ashamed when you see that girl running down the street; ponytail bobbing, skinny legs striding along the pavement. You're not her. Your body is different than hers. Same for guys too... that guy with the six pack and no shirt running along, that's not you. The key is finding out what works best for you and your body. Listen to what your body is telling you, it will tell you what it needs. Once you listen and give it what it wants, you may not be the skinniest person, but you will be the healthiest version of yourself, and that is what really matters.

Curves are good. A little extra weight is okay to have. Healthy comes in all shapes and sizes. Just be the healthiest version of yourself, and that will be good enough. 

***To be fair, there is NOTHING wrong with people who love fitness, work out in the gym, run 5Ks or anything like that. If you're someone like this, I'm betting you're smart enough to understand that everyone works out in different ways and has their favorite ways to move their bodies. I just want people to know that it's okay to be fit in a non-traditional sense. Thanks!

Take care of yourselves, and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Editors Making Money as Writers

Bet you didn't know that, as an editor, there are simple ways to make money writing. I didn't either until I listened to a webinar hosted by Rebecca Matter from AWAI (American Writers & Artists, Inc) yesterday afternoon.

If you go to Writer's Life, you should be able to get some information from the webinar I attended yesterday. I'm not going to post it here, I don't want to interfere with her traffic, but she relays some very good ways for people in our industry (writers, editors, etc) to make money by writing for companies online.

Also, a great website is Writers' Digest for information and help with writing. Rebecca is from Writers Digest and is very kind and helpful. She truly wants authors to have a voice and for them to be successful.

The more you know about the industry, the better decisions you can make and the better job you can do. And on top of that, the more money you'll be able to put in your pocket! It's amazing the kind of places that you can find for yourself to make a little extra cash.

I know this wasn't a long post, but my life has been quite hectic lately!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Naughty Blogger!

You knew this was going to happen at some point too:

So as an avid reader and someone who can't resist finding out what all the hype is about, I got myself these books and read them all. To keep it simple and basically clean, they're smut. To be clear, there's nothing wrong with smut once in a while. If you've read any sort of scandalous romance novella, it's like those on steroids. If you take out all the sex, you would still have a decent story, which is the only reason I found it blog-worthy. It wouldn't be nearly as exciting, but it would still be a story. If you're looking for some spicy time-filler, this is the place to find it. 

Tune in tomorrow for some editing etiquette!
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Movie Monday!

Back on track!!! Last week was really busy, and my family's been fighting off little colds and bugs for the past week, so it's nice that we're all kind of getting a little better.

So, you had to know this was going to happen....

Despite the whirlwind of publicity this movie has gotten, I don't think there was too much hype leading up to the release of this movie. It lived up to and exceeded the excellent Disney standards and served an entertaining and endearing story of sisterly love. I actually think more of the backlash came after the movie was released. Analysis after analysis of the storyline, the relationships and all the characters have created controversy and question the lessons we are teaching our children. Without giving too much away (if you're one of the very few who haven't seen this yet) the older sister, Elsa has a special power of freezing things and creating snow. Her parents teach her to keep it hidden after she hurts her little sister. Much of the controversy comes here, where people have blasted Disney for teaching our kids that if you have a difference, you should keep it hidden away, to conform to what the social "normal" is. This is frustrating because I can see what the parents were trying to do here. As a parent of a child with "social differences", we know that OTHER kids can be brutal. They can be hurtful, they can be bullies and they can tear a kid down for the very differences you as the parent find endearing and sweet. I think the parents in the movie were trying to protect their daughter from the intolerant, ignorant fools that are unfortunately rampant in our society. "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them see..." To me, that means 'don't let them hurt your feelings, if they can't see why you're different, they can't pick on you for it.' It's a sucky perception, but it can be necessary at some points in your life. 

That aside, the movie is sweet and funny, and will make you feel all the feels. I will be back tomorrow with a book review!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

We Didn't Escape!

Posting a quick note. . .

Unfortunately, our house has been hit by the stomach bug. So far it's just been my son and I, but I'm sure daddy is not far behind. It hasn't been awful, but has kept us pretty much snuggled on the couch, which is mere paces from our downstairs bathroom, thank goodness. 

So needless to say, I've been tortured with the likes of Kronk's New Groove, Sonic Underground, and various Halloween and Christmas shorts by the characters from Shrek, Madagascar, Monsters Vs. Aliens, and Megamind. Not that I mind, I love snuggling with my little guy, but the tummy trouble I could live without. And I'm secretly looking forward to 8:00 when Big Bang Theory comes on. I'm sort of over the animation by now.

Yesterday I finally turned the edits for the third Phoenix Project book over to the author, which means I have a little time before my next project. I will be working on my It Works! business, writing, doing some recreational reading (gasp! what's that?), and getting my house back into a little bit of order. I noticed that I tend to let the laundry and dishes stray when I'm focused on a project, and the moving about I did today consisted of dishes, folding/putting away laundry and sweeping. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling better and I can get even more done! 

This weekend I will be at this event with my It Works! stuff. Come visit and check out all the new awesome stuff this company has!

I may or may not post tomorrow, depending on how things go, but I will definitely be back to posting next Monday.

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. Look for the new Phoenix Project to be released in April!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A book that shows a twist to autism

Today I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to talk about a book that hasn't been released yet.

I actually saw this book on Good Morning America a few days ago. It's a story about how a family tied together Disney movies with their son's autism in order to help him communicate better and to teach him life lessons. For example, how to give a girl space when she needs it from Alladdin, how to see people for their beauty within from Beauty and the Beast, and to never give up from Finding Nemo. I have seen a lot of articles lately about keeping children away from media. But I've seen where some kids can only find themselves or relay their feelings through very specific ways like this one. This is a true story, and one that I can't wait to read. I've already preordered my copy! 
Here's a link to the Kindle edition:

Thanks for stopping by!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

A New Movie!

Today's movie is on the recommendation of my husband because I haven't seen in its entirety, but the half of it I did see was amazing.

I really enjoyed what I saw of this movie, my husband filled me in on the rest when I got home from my errand. He told me that my son watched the whole thing and understand it all, and it's very hard to find something interesting enough to hold his attention, which is impressive. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this movie for myself. The graphics and actors are all stellar. And, interesting fact: Moises Arias from Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place is in this movie.

So check this one out!
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Book Store Series, Part 9

Here's the next installment. There is furious writing and editing happening, and a lot of what has been written up to this point will probably be different from how it was originally, but I'm looking forward to seeing all this hard work in its final form eventually.

If you missed: 


There was a police car outside the store, red and blue lights swirling. Vin stood outside, speaking with an officer. We walked past them and as soon as Sophie saw us, she jumped up from where she was sitting near the bottom floor fireplace and ran towards us. She hugged us hard and I could feel her sobbing into my shoulder.

When she caught her breath, I held her at arm’s length and looked in her face. “Soph, let’s go sit and you can tell us what is going on.”

We returned to where Sophie had been sitting, and she recounted what happened since meeting Vin after work to go to the store. They showed up, door was locked, big mess, no Theo. Big mystery. I know I was mad at the man, but I never wished for this. I had thought that after everything blew over, we’d have time to talk about things and I could ask him all the things I wanted to. He had the answers I needed, and now I might never find out what they are.

Just then, Vin and the officer came in the store and Vin walked over to us. “The officer wants to ask you guys some questions,” Vin gestured towards the front doors. Milo and I rose to meet the officer, but Vin stopped me, letting Milo go ahead. “Lily, I’m sorry about everything. I hope we can all work through this.”

“It’s okay, Vin. It’ll all work out. Let’s just focus on finding Theo.” I squeezed his arm and jogged to catch up with Milo.

The officer began, “Sorry I have to do this, but it’s standard procedure when dealing with a missing person report. Officially, we usually wouldn’t report someone missing until at least 24 hours have passed, but in this case, there is the possibility of a crime involved.” He proceeded to ask us typical questions, and we seemed to pass the test. He looked at Milo and said, “You can go.” He turned to me, “Ms. Stone, I have a few more questions for you.”

Milo looked at me apprehensively, but I gave him a nod. “I’ll be all right.”

“Ms. Stone, you just found out that Mr. Trussman is your biological father?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And the last time you spoke with him, you had an argument?”

“Well, he had just told me he gave me up because he was too sad to keep me around. I was angry and hurt, so I made him leave.” I was getting agitated with the direction this questioning was going. I eyed the officer, a gold bar across his pocket that said “Simons”.

“Did the altercation become physical at all?” This Simons fellow was grating on my nerves.

“I beg your pardon! Firstly, look at me. Do I look like I could take a grown man? Secondly, the man was my father. Yes, I was shocked, but I was not so angry would kill him! Are you finished?” I crossed my arms, and threw my most intense withering glare at him.

“Sorry, ma’am, I’m just following protocol. I’m all set for now. Thank you.” He tipped the edge of his cap, turned, and walked out.

I walked back to where Sophie, Milo and Vin were standing by the fireplace. Sophie came to my side and linked her arm through mine. “You okay, Lil?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just strange questions from that officer. It seems he was implying that I’m responsible for Theo disappearing.”

“What? That’s ridiculous! Don’t worry about it, he was probably just asking normal questions when someone is missing.”

“You’re right. Back to you, tell me more about when you and Vin showed up today.” I needed to stop thinking about the officer’s questions and try to figure out what happened to Theo.

“You know most of the story, but follow me.” Sophie started walking towards the staircase.

We walked up to the second floor, and a few aisles in had yellow tape across them. That dizzying feeling hit me again, just like the first day I walked through the door. I stopped, put my hand on the railing, and I felt Milo next to me, putting his arm around my back.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes. I’m fine, just a little lightheaded.” I started following Sophie again, the dizziness fading, but a fuzzy feeling had settled in my head. Nevertheless, I could feel Milo’s concerned gaze on me, so I turned to him and said, “Really, Milo, I’m fine.” He continued walking, but I knew he would be keeping an eye on me.

The closer we got to the yellow tape, the more cloudy my head felt. I heard Sophie explaining the scene they found earlier, and judging by the mess of books all over the floor, there had been some sort of skirmish. 
There were books everywhere, the shelves almost empty. Although I had just found out my father was missing, all I could think was how the books would be ruined; their bindings over-stretched, the pages bent, and dust jackets folded. I shook my head, trying to clear the fuzziness. I left the group looking at the mess and started walking. I wasn’t sure what, but I felt something pulling me.

“Lily, where are you going?” Milo was taking this new big brother gig too seriously.

“Milo, I am fine. I’m just going to look around to see if I can find anything else.” I turned on my heel and headed down the rows, following the pull deep in my belly.

The feeling was getting stronger with every aisle, but at one point I could feel it fade slightly. I stopped, and then took three steps back to a row behind me. The intensity grew deep in my gut. I looked back to where Sophie, Milo and Vin were standing, deep in conversation, and none of them were watching. I turned into the row and started walking.

The fuzziness in my brain was taking over, but I knew somehow that I had to get down this aisle. I walked to the end of the row, and saw a book lying open on the floor. As I stepped towards it and bent to pick it up, it felt like I was watching someone else’s arm reaching out. I picked up the book and closed it, a picture of a crown on the front. Suddenly, the world was spinning, like being on the teacup ride at the fair. I saw the floor getting closer and the book bounce across the floor away from me. I felt a grinding sensation in my shoulder as it bore the brunt of my weight from the fall. I thought I heard “Lily” faintly from somewhere in the distance, but I couldn’t find it in me to answer.

My vision blurred and the bookshelves in front of me shifted, changing shape and color. The strangest feeling came over me, like all the cells in my body were jumping away from each other, stretching out beyond my skin. It wasn’t painful, but uncomfortable. I wanted my cells to stay where they belonged, and for my skin to stop crawling. Then, everything went black.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

And so on . . .

Today's post is another Editing Etiquette post. Today's topic is the ellipsis.

An ellipsis is the punctuation of several dots used to note that there is information that is being omitted or a trail-off sentence. Looks like . . .  <---that, including the spaces.

I didn't realize how confusing these could be until I read through my copyediting book, The Copyeditor's Handbook. Here are some tips and tricks to using them correctly.

When a writer is quoting from a source, but the original text has much more information than what they are trying to emphasize, they can place an ellipsis in the place of the extraneous text. This will use the three-dot method.
   Original: "There are many types of dogs that are good with children and other pets; they have good temperaments and will make great companions for children.
   Quoted: "types of dogs that are good with children . . . make great companions for children."

If the ellipsis break happens over a sentence in the original text, the four-dot method is used. This is because the ellipsis would include the punctuation (the period at the end of the sentence) from the end of the sentence in the break. If the above example had been two separate sentences, this is what the ellipsis would look like:
   ex: "children . . . . make great"

In fiction writing, an ellipsis at the end of a sentence notes that a thought or idea trails off without being completed. It can also imply a character's hesitation or uncertainty.
   Ex: "I can't believe that she . . ."

There should always be spaces before, after and between each dot, regardless of the method you use.

In fiction writing, although the structure and the three-dot and four-dot method rules for an ellipsis are the same, the rules about how to use them are a little different, especially concerning conversation. In regular text of the story, keep it simple and use them only as they fit. But in conversation, as long as a pause or a trail-off of thought are present, the ellipsis is relevant. For example, a character who lacks confidence and stutters or mumbles would probably have many ellipses in their conversation.

Okay, I think that's good for today.
Here's a website that you can refer to for some basic ideas about the ellipsis: When to use Ellipsis.

That's all, thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Book Review

Today's book is a children's book. Having a child with autism and ADHD forces you to get creative when finding books and activities that will hold their attention.

This is a great one:

This is a book we got from Usborne Books. The mouse comes out of his little plastic pocket on the front of the book, and you can push him through slots on each page as he runs through the house and makes all sorts of trouble. I'm not sure if you can get this book outside of Usborne, but if you can, I highly recommend it. Interactive books are really great for kids like my son. 

Have a great day!
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Movie Monday!

Good morning!
I didn't post Thurs or Fri last week because I'm working on a project and writing the Book Store Series. I'm really excited for you guys to read the whole story all the way through, it's getting insane!

So this weekend, we took our little to the movies, and this is what we saw:

This was an awesome movie! It's action packed, it's funny, and it's really colorful. Will loved it, and we thought it was hilarious too. It's such an original story, and Will Ferrell is awesome as always. Go see it! It's worth it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Need to giggle?

Super busy with editing and writing the Book Store Series, and entertaining my kid with all these snow days!! So I decided to just give you some random stuff I've found on the internet that will hopefully make you giggle or just think.

There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo.

When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!

Cats can hear ultrasound.

Married men change their underwear twice as often as single men.

Percentage of bird species that are monogamous: 90. Percentage of mammal species that are monogamous: 3.

Armadillos can be housebroken.

Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning.

Slugs have 4 noses.

Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

In 2003, there were 86 days of below-freezing weather in Hell, Michigan.

Giraffes and rats can go longer without water than camels.

It is illegal to frown at cows in Bladworth, Saskatchewan.

There are 240 dots on an arcade Pac-Man game.

Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike.

Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister.

Okay, I'm all done for today. Back to work!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Book Review!

Today's book is a Stephen King classic. I don't read or watch much horror because, well, I'll be honest: I'm a scaredy-cat. But I definitely have a much easier time reading horror than watching it, so although I only read it in the light of day, it wasn't too bad to get through this book.


If you couldn't tell, this is a vampire novel. I'm a big fan of Stephen King, I think he's an excellent writer, even if he does scare the crap out of me. I actually have a stack of beautiful hardcover SK books that I haven't even read yet because I'm a "buck buck" (chicken). Published in 1975, it comes long after Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897), and gives a modernized perception of vampires. On the other hand, it also comes long before Stephanie Meyers' 2005 popular series Twilight, which I believe ridiculously romanticizes vampires and fuels teenage lust and angst. 

This story is set in a small town in Maine, where a man goes back to his hometown only to have the town become overrun by vampires. It's spooky, but well-written and I loved reading it. I learned a couple of fun facts about this book as I was researching for this post, and here's a couple of cool things about it:
-It was made into a TV series twice; once in 1979 and again in 2004.
-BBC made it a seven part radio series.
-'Salem's Lot is shortened from Jerusalem's Lot because the publishers thought it sounded too religious.
-There have been several different covers, I picked this one because it's the cover of the copy I own.
-The original title was Second Coming, but King changed it because his wife said it sounded too much like a bad smut novel title.

That's all for today guys! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Movie About Writing A Book!

I know I already have written about the Harry Potter books and movies, but last week I had a rough night of insomnia so I browsed through my Amazon instant videos looking for something to get me through the night. I stumbled on this jewel, and I'm thankful I did.

This is basically the story of how J.K. Rowling went from being a single mom on public assistance to a billionaire author. It's sweet and heartwarming, and I think many writers will appreciate her process and watching someone else in the same place you've been; brainstorming, writing for countless hours, and balancing family with getting your words to paper. I think a major difference that can make us all appreciate technology a little more is that she typed the whole first Harry Potter on an old typewriter. Remember those? I sort of wish I had one. I used to when I was younger, and there's something really poetic and nostalgic about writing something that way.

Anywho, that's my post for today, see you guys tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Using 'review' options when editing electronically

To begin, I should clarify that I use Microsoft Word 2007 when I'm editing, and I'm thinking most people use Word or have it on their computers. I apologize if this doesn't apply to you for whatever you use, but I'm just writing for what I know.

*side note: You may want to pop open Word to play with the options I'm talking about.

When I edit, I use the "Review" tab at the top of the screen. It has your basic spelling, grammar, research, thesaurus, etc. to the left, but the stuff in the middle and to the right are what I use the most. 

In the center there is a little icon that looks like a pad of sticky notes (Post-Its). This is labeled "New Comment" and is used to be able to type in notes about what you are reading without interfering with the text within the document. You highlight the text you're talking about, or near the text, and hit the "New Comment" button. A column will appear to the right of the body of text along with a little box (mine's red, but I don't know if that's what color everyone else's are). You can type anything in the box/bubble. For example, as an editor I will write notes about character inconsistencies, if I feel like a change I made needs an explanation I will put it there, or even if I want to put a little note about the story (ex: I like this part! or I want to live in this house!). As a writer, you can use the comment box to make notes to yourself so they're easier to spot later on when you go back. For example, if you can't decide what someone's name should be or what color their hair is, you can highlight what you wrote, then put your alternative ideas in the box. 
You can also easily browse through the comments in the same part of the tab above by clicking the "next" or "previous" buttons, or you can "delete" a comment if you're finished using it.

The other main button I use is the "Track Changes" button. This allows me to show (in red or blue) the author what changes I've made to their piece. That way they can keep track of what was their original work and what I've added/deleted/changed. 

I don't use the "Balloons" button, but it seems to control what is shown in the boxes/bubbles on the right side of the page with the comments. Like I said, I never use it so you'll have to play with it if you think you need to change anything with it.

Another section has to do with changes, I never use that either. If someone makes changes to your document, you can accept and reject their changes accordingly using this section.

There are two more sections called Compare and Protect. The compare button gives you the option to compare an original with an edited copy. There's also a "combine" option, that will combine all changes within the two compared documents.

I never use the Protect Document button either because I'm not working in a space that is compromised to outside people (I work in my house. My son can't read and my husband doesn't want to, so I'm good there unless the cat has talents I don't know about.) This button is just a way to password the document so it stays safe.

I saved these next two for last because most people won't have them and I went super silly giddy when I discovered them. One is called "Ink Comment" and the other is called "Start Inking". You may or may not know that my trusty old laptop died at the end of last year, November or so, and my new dream laptop became my Christmas/Birthday present. My new LT has a touchscreen. So why are these two buttons so exciting? I can write on documents with my stylus!! The Ink Comment button pops a box up to the right of the text, just like the regular New Comment button does. But I can write in the box that appears! And the Start Inking button allows me to edit an electronic document the same way I would a paper one: with a red pen. And if you've been following me, you probably know by now that red-penning is my favorite!

I know that wasn't a super-exciting post, but hopefully it'll give you some idea of how I electronically edit. Also, writers might be able to use the comments to help them out along the way.

I've been writing a lot today, pushing forward with the Book Store Series. I'm at about 12,600 words at this point with quite a bit of story left to go. I'm getting really excited about this, and the possibility that I might actually be able to become a published author too! So while you all get to wait impatiently (I hope!) for every Thursday's posts, I have to keep myself quiet until I publish each section! I hope you guys like it, and like I said yesterday, if you show me that you've been reading all along, I'll reward you at the end! (Possibly with a signed-before-it's-released copy of the finished book???? Who knows?)

See you guys next week, have an amazing weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!