Monday, March 24, 2014

Movie Monday!

Back on track!!! Last week was really busy, and my family's been fighting off little colds and bugs for the past week, so it's nice that we're all kind of getting a little better.

So, you had to know this was going to happen....

Despite the whirlwind of publicity this movie has gotten, I don't think there was too much hype leading up to the release of this movie. It lived up to and exceeded the excellent Disney standards and served an entertaining and endearing story of sisterly love. I actually think more of the backlash came after the movie was released. Analysis after analysis of the storyline, the relationships and all the characters have created controversy and question the lessons we are teaching our children. Without giving too much away (if you're one of the very few who haven't seen this yet) the older sister, Elsa has a special power of freezing things and creating snow. Her parents teach her to keep it hidden after she hurts her little sister. Much of the controversy comes here, where people have blasted Disney for teaching our kids that if you have a difference, you should keep it hidden away, to conform to what the social "normal" is. This is frustrating because I can see what the parents were trying to do here. As a parent of a child with "social differences", we know that OTHER kids can be brutal. They can be hurtful, they can be bullies and they can tear a kid down for the very differences you as the parent find endearing and sweet. I think the parents in the movie were trying to protect their daughter from the intolerant, ignorant fools that are unfortunately rampant in our society. "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them see..." To me, that means 'don't let them hurt your feelings, if they can't see why you're different, they can't pick on you for it.' It's a sucky perception, but it can be necessary at some points in your life. 

That aside, the movie is sweet and funny, and will make you feel all the feels. I will be back tomorrow with a book review!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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